Tuesday, November 30, 2010

lets ignore today

Knitted a tiny bit but mostly obsessively cleaned and watched Doctor Who. Tomorrow!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

A Casualty Occurs

Whilst watching reruns of How I Met Your Mother and knitting I somehow stepped on one of my bamboo needles and it snapped. (Good luck figuring how I stepped on them whilst sitting down.) Hopefully I have a shorter size 8 needle lurking around my house some where, but I'm probably going to have to bite the bullet and go needle shopping tomorrow.

Rest In Peace, Size 8 Clover Takumi Bamboo Knitting Needles

You served valiantly


ETA: I was using a set of 10" needles for The Scarf (dun dun dunnnn) so I've commandeered one of the needles from that for use with my hat. Its a bit awkward as the other hat needle is 14" long. Perhaps this will teach me that I need to stop falling for the temptation that is cheap bamboo needles and invest in metal. On the bright side, this gave me an excuse to obsessively document my needles on Ravelry.

Also, the hat so far:

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Day 2!

Knitting: It happened. Added about 1 to 2 inches to my hat, and I'm nearly ready to switch to ball #2 of yarn.

Pendant lamp: Bought balloons, which appear to be round but perhaps not big enough? Arghhh

Bow tie: This is a new project- I am making a friend of mine several bow ties for Christmas. I have a lot of different fabrics I could possibly use, but this will probably mean a trip to the fabric store at some point. I got around to printing out the template today.

ETA: After I posted this I was able to work on a frankly intimidating project- that is, cleaning my room. I am attempting to take my somewhat limited space, fit all of my stuff in it (stuff that once filled an entire apartment) and leave room for a designated craft desk. This is going to involve a lot of organizing and throwing away and, in all likelihood, drinking.

Tonight I had a nice amaretto and coke, dragged a friend over for company, popped in Simon Amstell's new stand up DVD and proceeded to unpack my library. Now I have a well organized bookshelf, only one box of books I don't know what to do with (as opposed to four of them), and a functional laundry basket (which also used to be occupied by books). Overall, I'm optimistic about this eventually coming together, though a bit worried about the future state of my liver.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Hello there, Internet

Today and yesterday have been knitting days. My hat for my mother is about 6 inches long, so I'm halfway there! I'm using it as a bit of a break from The Scarf  (from hell), which is about 2 feet long and makes me want to cry when I think about it. It is in seed stitch and I fear I will never be rid of it. Of course, I need to be rid of it within the next two month. My due dates are Christmas for the hat and January 25th (my mother's birthday) for the scarf. Meanwhile, I have several other ongoing projects that I have to make progress on. Needless to say, I am not optimistic about the scarf, but afterwards I am looking forward to a rather long break from knitting.

As it is a 5 day break for me from most school and work and volunteering nonsense, I really want to get work done on these projects. I really want to get to the craft store and the hardware store and get supplies for my other projects (right now an ambitious make over for my dresser inspired by this and some simple string pendant lamps) but unfortunately it is Black Friday and you would have to pay me to enter any building having to do with retail.

So tomorrow (which I feel like I'm always saying), I will hopefully get to Michael's and to Home Depot and get some very necessary supplies- namely paint, wood trim, light fixtures and ROUND balloons. I am on pack number 3 of balloons, each a different brand, and so far they have all been various versions of oblong. At this point I'm not sure if its the balloons that are failing me or if I'm somehow blowing them up wrong? Is that possible? For now I am blaming the balloons. Anyways, I am hoping that Michaels or some sort of party supply store will carry proper balloons, or at least someone there can tell me what on earth I am doing wrong. I will not have misshapen pendant lamps, dammit!